Thursday, August 29, 2013
Review of 2013-15 Operating Budget
Now that we've had time to review and digest the state's new 2013-15
budget, how did lawmakers do? As with all budgets there are good and bad
items included, though the biggest policy success was that lawmakers
allowed the 2010 “temporary” tax increases to remain temporary and to
expire as promised on July 1st. The enacted budget also includes revenue
and spending projections that balance in compliance with the state’s
new four-year balanced budget requirement . . . READ MORE
Friday, August 23, 2013
I-517: What is a public building for purposes of signature gathering?
Among the provisions of Initiative 517 is the requirement to allow
signature gathering “inside or outside public buildings such as public
sports stadiums, convention/exhibition centers, and public fairs.”
Public buildings, however, is not defined by the measure. According to
the Secretary of State’s Office, Department of Enterprise Services, and
the Attorney General’s Office there is currently no standard rule for
signature gathering on public property though most public entities
provide some opportunity for signature gathering with certain
restrictions . . . READ MORE
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Farmer for a Day
What do you get when you add more than a dozen lawmakers, beautiful
weather, an irrigated desert, policy wonks and the efforts of the Franklin County Farm Bureau, Washington State Potato Commission and Washington State Farm Bureau? A successful "Farmer for a Day" program in Pasco . . . READ MORE
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
American Legislative Exchange Council considers Washington’s new tax preference transparency law
This year we worked with Washington lawmakers on language that eventually was included in SB 5843: Strengthening the review of the legislature's goals for tax preferences. That proposal eventually became SB 5882 during the 2nd Special Session
and was signed into law by Gov. Inslee after overwhelming approval by
lawmakers. Among the bill’s provisions is a requirement for the
legislature to identify explicit legislative intent and expected
performance outcomes for tax preferences. With one of Washington Policy
Center’s priorities being to help government official improve the
transparency and accountability of the legislative process and budget,
we thought this would be a good idea to share with lawmakers across the
country . . . READ MORE