Thursday, December 18, 2014
Gov. Inslee's 2015-17 budget: Where "extremely volatile" and "unpredictable" become "secure" and "stable"
Today Gov. Inslee released his 2015-17 budget and tax plan. After reviewing his balance sheet it has become clear that I need to update the dictionary I have been using to decipher budget terms. Earlier this week the Governor said . . . READ MORE
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
U.S. Sen. Murray/Rep. Ryan want Congress to reform the way the federal budget and policy are adopted
It's not often you see Democrats and Republicans in Congress agree on
much let alone reforms to the way the federal budget and policy are
adopted. This is what makes the bipartisan introduction of the Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act
by U.S. Sen. Patty Murray of Washington (D) and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of
Wisconsin (R) so exciting. Sen. Murray currently serves as Chairman of Committee on the Budget in the Senate and Rep. Ryan as Chairman of the Committee on the Budget in the House . . . READ MORE
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
From "financially feasible" to a billion dollar tax increase in just a few days?
What a difference a few days makes. Last Friday we highlighted the Office of Financial Management's (OFM) "financial feasibility" letter decision on the secretly negotiated state employee contract agreements.
In that December 5 letter stating that it was financially feasible to
give state employee compensation increases (including health care)
approaching $600 million OFM said . . . READ MORE
Friday, December 5, 2014
Will Inslee propose tax increases to provide government pay raises?
Based on the announcement today by the Office of Financial Management that the secretly negotiated state employee contract agreements have been deemed financially feasible we can assume one of two things . . . READ MORE
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Senate should put voter-approved tax restrictions into its rules
Now that the 2014 election has been certified we know the official make up of the Legislature. Based on the responses to our supermajority for taxes legislative survey,
we also know that the members of the Majority Coalition Caucus (MCC) in
the Senate support allowing the voters to consider a constitutional
amendment to put the five-time voter approved policy into the
Constitution. While efforts continue to move a constitutional amendment
to the ballot for voters to consider the MCC could re-affirm its support
for this popular taxpayer protection by placing the requirement in its rules . . . READ MORE